Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is there a King that Obama WON'T bow down to??

conservatives4ever@hotmail.com has shared something with you

MUST READ!!! A synopsis of the up to the date information on the growing ClimateGate scandal. The MSM has YET to report on this, but just like the ACORN tapes, they are going to eventually have to.


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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Michelle Malkin refutes the SEIU's refutation of her....

Great stuff from a good fact checker, Michelle Malkin


My two cents:

Obama has his purple-shirted thugs in the SEIU, Hitler had his brown-shirted thugs in the Sturmabteilung, or SA. Both groups served the purpose of intimidating the masses, and forcibly pushing agendas.

The only difference is that sooner or later, ordinary folks in the SEIU are going to look down, see the bloodstains on their hands, and rise up against the union bosses. Their American spirit will override the brainwashing they have been receiving at the hands of the union's leaders. That will be a wonderful day for this country.

I also find it encouraging that the American people as a whole are finally starting to wake up to the realization that the government is not doing things for the people, they are doing things to the people. Better days are on the way. Do yourself a favor and get on the liberty bandwagon early. Say goodbye to the parasitic unions!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Someone must have greased the sides of the tank that the MSM is in, because it appears that nobody is going to get out of there to do any kind of actual reporting. Case in point, the decision to try KSM and a few other terrorists in NYC in a civilian court. The man responsible for this fiasco (besides Obama) is AG of the US, Eric Holder.

After about 3 minutes of exhausting digging, I found the website of Holder's old law firm, Covington and Burling LLP (Holder was a senior partner), and took at look at some of their pro bono work. Seems like they have a vested interest in getting these terrorists civilian trials because they REPRESENT a bunch of Gitmo detainees. Talk about your conflict of interests!!!

Where are you, media???


Guantanamo Bay Detainees

We represent sixteen men detained at the United States Naval Station at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Most of the men have been detained for approximately seven years. None have been charged with any crimes, and none have been accorded the protections of the Geneva Convention. In Boumediene v. Bush, 128 S. Ct. 2229 (2008), where we were co-counsel for eleven of the detainees, the Supreme Court held that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus extends to detainees held at Guantánamo Bay. Following that decision, we have been preparing for habeas corpus hearings to be held in federal district court Washington, DC, for eleven of our clients.

The firm has been involved in the Guantánamo related litigation for the last five years. In addition to the on-going habeas corpus proceedings, our efforts have included: bringing cases for review of enemy combatant classification decisions in the D.C. Circuit under the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005; challenging the destruction of CIA torture tapes in federal court; filing amicus briefs and coordinating the amicus effort in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 548 U.S. 557 (2006); filing amicus briefs in support of Supreme Court review in Moussaoui v. United States, 382 F.3d 483 (4th Cir.), cert denied, 544 U.S. 931 (2005); challenging the government’s practice of redacting information from documents given to security-cleared habeas counsel; and challenging the abusive medical and living conditions that the detainees experience at Guantánamo.

Why wait for a decision on troops? It's politics, stupid....

I see on the Drudgereport that Obama is "closer" to making a decision on additional troops for Afghanistan. Imagine if we were stupid enough to wait on some other important military decisions throughout our history. What would the headlines be???

MARCH 1778: Washington Waits For Ice To Melt, Troops Defeated at Trenton

OCTOBER 1863: Rebels Rout Army At Gettysburg: Washington Under Siege

OCTOBER 1898: Spanish Hold On To San Juan Hill, Roosevelt To Undergo Court-Martial

JANUARY 1945: As Bastogne Falls, German Rockets Pummel London, Thousands Die

NOVEMBER 2003: Iraq Launches Chemical Weapon Attack On Israel, Millions Perish

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Newsmax.com Article forwarded by a friend

Please check out the article I read at Newsmax.com:

Where the hell are all the women's groups like those gals at NOW? This is a sexist insult, and there isn't ONE person from any of the feminist groups supporting her. Oh, that's right, Sarah Palin doesn't think like them, so she is not deserving of their support. See folks? That is how the liberals roll. They are hypocrites, and only care about agenda, not people. Think about THAT the next time you pull the lever in the voting booth....

Monday, November 16, 2009

Union troubled by Eagle Scout project in Allentown

This story was sent to you by: Meanwell

Isn't this lovely: the union thugs "might let this one go". A boy scout cleans up a path, and SEIU is angry. When are peope going to realize that unions are parasites that kill companies and jobs?

Union troubled by Eagle Scout project in Allentown

After layoffs, SEIU president complains about city's use of volunteers, contractors

By Jarrett Renshaw

November 15 2009, 10:59 AM EST

In pursuit of an Eagle Scout badge, Kevin Anderson, 17, has toiled for more than 200 hours hours over several weeks to clear a walking path in an east Allentown park.

The complete article can be viewed at:

Visit themorningcall.com at http://www.mcall.com

HotAirPundit : President Obama vs. The Rest of the World Greeting The Emperor...

Meanwell has sent you a link to a blog:

This from the folks at HotAirPundit. Check out the various world leaders greeting the Japanese Emperor. Most are shown face to face to the Emperor with a few leaders giving a slight bow. At the end, we see Obama and his full down-to-the-waste bow. What the hell is this guy doing?

Blog: HotAirPundit
Post: President Obama vs. The Rest of the World Greeting The Emperor of Japan (Photos)
Link: http://hotairpundit.blogspot.com/2009/11/president-obama-vs-rest-of-world.html

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

PoliticsPA Reports: Argall says congressional rumors untrue

It would be too fast a transition for Argall to jump ship from his current position. Holden's handlers would eat that up. Given Argall's moderate tendencies, he might win some Democratic voters over, but it would best serve the Republican Party if a well financed and new-to-politics candidate can be unearthed. Despite his health care vote, Holden's seat can be easily taken given the current angst among voters. Just link him to entitlements, taxes, and the DNC, and he'd be cooked. He may be a nice man, but Holden ultimately tows the company line.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

NBC affiliate Calls Barack out

It's amazing how fast Obama's credibility is falling. He's like a meteor racing towards an ocean of conservatism. Once he reaches the impact point, the resulting tsunami is going to spell doom for the inhabitants of his Socialistic Utopian island.

Get out your swimmies, Ms. Pelosi, because you and the rest of your liberal lot are about to be washed away......


Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting | NBC Chicago

NBC Chicago  
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Obama has gotten so bad, even an NBC affliiate is getting on him. His actions yesterday were disgraceful for a Commander in Chief.

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Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting | NBC Chicago*
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Worst Bill Ever!

Hey, gotta give a shout out to Nancy Pelosi for creating and supporting "The Worst Bill Ever"!

Thank you , Nancy, for just being you. Without your tireless efforts, there is no way we could have amassed such a ground swell of support against you. By throwing together your piecemeal wish list of socialistic tripe, you have energized the common sense folks into waking up. I just can't thank you enough!!

Please read, and enjoy!

